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Bestsiiide podcast: ‘Zane Wedding – Te pū o te rākau / The essence of trees’

Have you ever felt lost?

No Māori enough?

That you’re nothing more than your job title?

Kaitiaki, Zane Wedding, who had slept in one of the trees for more than 60 nights continuously last year, was arrested after climbing a fence that blocked the Avondale site from being accessed by land stewards.

Whilst his arm may have been broken, his wairua (spirit) has not been.

Here I get to kōrero with the bro in regards to why saving these trees is so important to the mental health, identity and environment of ALL New Zealanders.

He shares his journey from being homeless at 14 from Aucklands south side and how a connection to the environment, more specifically trees, helped him find his place in the world and how he wants these trees to remain so that knowledge and sense of connection can be ascertained.

We exchange Pūrākau (legends) that are evidence of the scientific thought processes that pacific people have and their ability to pass these on from generation to generation.